Print Media
Gould, H. & Halafoff, A. (2024). Dying well: why Australians are turning to ‘Buddhish’ deaths. The Guardian, February 8
Halafoff, A., Smith, S. & Gould, H. (2023). Tales from the other Australia: Lanterns for the dead, and the persistence of Buddhism in the Far North ABC Religion & Ethics, September 5
Gould, H. & Allison, F. (2020). Visions of future cemeteries: 5 models and how Australians feel about them The Conversation, December 9
Kohn, T. & Gould, H. (2020). Small funerals, online memorials and grieving from afar: the coronavirus is changing how we care for the dead, The Conversation.
Gould, H. (2016) If Pokemon Go feels like a religion, that's because it kind of is. The Guardian, July 12.
Gould, H. (2014). Exhibiting Disaster: The Great Kanto Earthquake, 1923. Collections, 15:46-52.